Intro to Framer Motion

Creating Interactive SVG Animations

Why Framer Motion?

Framer Motion is a powerful and easy-to-use library for React and Remix that simplifies creating animations and interactive UIs. It provides a set of components that can animate your elements, including SVGs, with minimal code, offering high performance and a plethora of animation features like keyframes, spring physics, and gesture animations.

Animating an SVG Circle: Convert the SVG circle element into a motion component. You can directly replace with <> to start using animation props.

<svg width="20vh" height="20vh" 
  < cx="10vh" cy="10vh" r="6vh" stroke="cyan" 
    strokeWidth="0.2vh" whileHover={{ scale: 1.1 }}      
    whileTap={{ scale: 1.4 }} fill="deeppink" initial={{ scale: 0 }}
    animate={{ scale: 1 }}  
    transition={{ type: "spring", stiffness: 260,
    damping: 20,}}/>

This component introduces several new concepts related to creating interactive and animated SVGs, particularly by utilizing the element from Framer Motion, a popular library for animations in React. Let's break down the new aspects:

Framer Motion and

Framer Motion: This is a library that makes creating animations in Remix straightforward. It provides components that you can use to animate and add interactions to your Remix and React components. This is a Framer Motion component. It's essentially a wrapper around the standard SVG <circle>element that adds animation and interaction capabilities. Using instead of <circle> allows you to animate properties of the circle with ease.

initial: This prop defines the initial state of the circle. Here, the circle starts with a scale of 0, effectively making it invisible once a user clicks the button.

whileHover: This prop allows you to define animations that should occur when the user hovers over the circle. In this case, the scale of the circle increases by 10% when hovered over.

whileTap: This prop defines animations that should occur when the user taps or clicks on the circle. Here, the scale of the circle increases by 40% when tapped.

animate: This prop defines the target state of the circle. The circle is animated to a scale of 1, making it visible and at its normal size.

transition: This prop defines the transition animation's behavior. Here, the circle's scale is animated using a spring physics-based transition, which gives it a natural bounce effect when it appears.

- Spring Physics: The transition type is set to spring, which means the circle's scale animation is based on spring physics. This gives the circle a natural bounce effect when it appears.

- Stiffness: This prop defines the stiffness of the spring. A higher stiffness value results in a more rigid spring, which means the circle's scale animation will be quicker and more abrupt.

- Damping: This prop defines the damping of the spring. A higher damping value results in a slower and smoother animation, as it reduces the spring's oscillations.

Varying Transition Types

Understanding the differences between a tween transition and a spring transition in the context of animating with Framer Motion is crucial for crafting the desired animation effects in your applications. Each type of transition offers a different approach to animating elements, with unique characteristics, benefits, and suitable use cases.

<svg width="20vh" height="20vh" 
  < cx="10vh" cy="10vh" r="6vh" stroke="cyan" 
    strokeWidth="0.2vh" whileHover={{ scale: 1.5 }}      
    fill="deeppink" initial={{ scale: 0 }}
    animate={{ scale: 1 }}  
      type: "tween", duration: 2, ease: "easeOut",}}/>

This example demonstrates the use of a tween transition to animate the circle animates an element from its initial state to its target state over a specified duration, using a specified easing function. Here's a breakdown of the new transition properties:

type: This prop defines the type of transition to use. Here, the type is set to tween, which means the circle's scale animation occurs over a specified duration.

duration: This prop sets the duration of the tween transition. The duration is set to 2 seconds, meaning the circle takes 2 seconds to animate from its initial scale to its target scale. This duration is applied to the initial scale in from 0 to 1, as well as the hover scale from 1 to 1.5.

ease: This prop defines the easing function to use for the tween transition. Here, the ease is set to easeOut, which means the circle's scale animation starts quickly and slows down towards the end, giving it a decelerating effect.

When duration can be effective:

- Tween Transition: The duration property is fully effective and directly controls the length of the animation. This gives you precise control over the timing of animations.

- Spring Transition: The duration property does not apply because the animation's timing is governed by its physics properties. Attempting to set a duration with a spring type will have no effect on the animation. Instead, adjust stiffness, damping, and mass to influence the perceived duration and dynamics of the motion.